Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Your Questions Answered

You may have a lot of questions about our services and products. Corner Drugstore is committed to making things as easy to understand as possible, so we’ve tried to answer some of the most common questions here.

We are located on the corner of 5th Street and 8th Avenue SE, 3 blocks of the City Hall in East Village.

Anywhere in the city of Calgary. For same-day delivery, call before 3:30 PM.

Yes, we bill directly with all major insurance carriers (i.e. Manulife, Sun Life, Blue Cross)

Yes, please get your doctor, dentist or podiatrist to call it in and/or fax it (403-264-4618) to us. If you are not able to pick it up, we will be happy to deliver it for you.

Just get your doctor to call it in and/or fax it to us at 403-264-4618.

Just give us a call and we will contact your current pharmacy for transfer by fax.

It’s 3:30pm Monday through Friday. No deliveries on weekends.

Yes, our pharmacists are authorised to renew/refill upon assessments.

We provide free parking. Upon arrival, please provide us your parking zone and vehicle license numbers.

Don't See Your Question Listed?

Contact us during our business hours.


